Tips for Decorating For The Holidays

It is really easy to get caught in the loop of always wanting to buy new items for the holidays to decorate around the house, but that honestly just isn’t sustainable and can easily break the bank. That’s why I decided to decorate in the most cost effective and environmentally conscious way this year.

Tip 1 - Using EXISTING ‘winter-esque’ items around your house as decor

It is easy to forget that items we actually use throughout the winter can serve as decor. In my case, I used my figure skates as wall decor for the season. You can use scarves, hats, mittens, etc for this look as well. Fruit is also a great ‘decor’ piece for the holidays - specifically oranges in any form (i.e. baked slices or even just oranges in a bowl!)

Tip 2 - fresh is best!

Obviously, you’ve seen the classic faux garland look all around during the holiday season. It really gets you in the holiday spirit! But something I tried this year was making fresh garland around my house instead! The smell is absolutely unmatched and it truly looks so much more earthy and vibey in my house now! Not to mention - you can easy go to your local tree farm and ask for pine scraps!

Tip 3 - Keep it cozy!!!!

You don’t need to spend money every year on buying new stockings, blankets and pillows for the holidays! Thrifting blankets or sweaters (don’t worry, they are washable!) and turning them into different ‘cozy’ holiday decor elements is such a great option! I up-cycled some old knit sweaters into these christmas stockings and they give off such a cozy vibe!

ps. video where I made these stockings linked here

Watch the full video here

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