Turning Thrifted Items Into Designer Outfits

We can sit on Pinterest or Instagram all day and just admire outfits…but it gets pretty discouraging when they all are designer pieces that cost hundreds of dollars. In order to make our Pinterest boards attainable, we can just make the items ourselves!!
All these thrifted pieces are from thredUP!

Punched Hole Jeans

I was scrolling through instagram one day and came across this outfit that Kelly Wearstler was wearing. I hadn’t seen anything like these pants before, but I KNEW I needed them when I saw it! Who can resist funky tan lines am I right?! After doing some research I found the original pants…but then realized they were $775 from Maison Margiela… yikes. I quickly gave up my Wearstler wannabe dreams, UNTIL I was cleaning out my closet. I had an old pair of jeans I was about to donate and thought… could this be it? After hours of cutting the holes from them, and drying them to distress the edges, I honestly think they look SO cute and were basically free!!

Cropped Sweater

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Okay, so this picture of Ruby Rose in this Alexander McQueen cropped sweater stopped me in my tracks! Does it make sense that I kinda think that this sweater is practical? It covers your arms when they’re cold but keeps a nice breeze while you wear it!! Maybe it’s just the Canadian in me. Anyways, I didn’t want to spend the $790 this Cropped Knit costed, so I thrifted a sweater and hemmed it myself! I know I’m no Ruby Rose but I tried to replicate her outfit by thrifting what I thought looked similar and I’m not going to lie…I love it.

Watch the full video with these thrifted outfits along with other transformations here:

suggested reads


UGLY Thrift Store Challenge - Fashion Edition


3 Easy DIY Ways to Upcycle an Old Pair of Jeans!