Easy DIY Gifts You Can Send in The Mail!


The holidays this year are looking a little different and many aren’t spending time IRL with their loved ones, instead hosting virtual or distanced hangouts. That’s why we thought of some great DIY gifts that you can send safely in the mail, to reach those friends and family who live far away! Check ‘em out below.

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Winter can be tough for gardeners - what can they grow in the snow?! Give them a head start to spring with a DIY plant starter kit that is great for seasoned and new gardeners alike. Check out how to make it below:


  • Instax Mini Link Smartphone Printer & film (or regular printed photos)

  • Popsicle sticks

  • Small metal or plastic container

  • Soil

  • Small plastic bag

  • Twist tie or string

  • Hot glue gun & glue

  • Seeds of choice (we went with tomatoes)

This DIY is SO simple: grab a photo off the internet - or one of your own gardens - and print it using either wallet sized photo prints, or using the Instax Mini Link Smartphone Printer. Take a popsicle stick and hot glue the end to the back of the printed photo. This will be your marker for which plant is which! Next, drop enough soil in a small plastic bag to fill the container, and seal with a twist tie or string. Place the soil, seeds and marker inside the container, and there you have it! A super cute plant starter kit that you can package and send off to your bestie.

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For your fashion forward friend, give them a holiday-themed matching fabric face mask & giant scrunchie! This gift would be great for someone who loves to match their outfits to their accessories, or for someone who is building up their face mask collection. Please note that this is not a medical grade face mask. If you want to learn how to DIY this, check out our full blog post here, and download the template here!

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Maybe you have a friend who LOVES to cook, or maybe you have a friend who orders every single meal out - this gift is great for either of them! Make them the cutest DIY recipe book out of all of your favourite dishes using the steps below:


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Start by taking photos of your favourite meals to make or goods to bake. Then, either print out small wallet-sized photos of them, or use the Instax Mini Link Smartphone Printer to print out film photos of them. Take your note cards and punch a hole in the top left hand corner in the exact same spot on each card. Next, hot glue each picture on to alternating sides of your note cards, but make sure not to cover the hole.

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Beside the photos, write the name of the dish and the ingredients. Then, on the back side, write the step-by-step instructions on how to make it. You can decorate these cards as you see fit, or even laminate them to make them sturdier. Add your keyring through the holes, and you have a DIY handmade recipe book! Pro tip: leave some blank cards at the back so they can add their own recipes in the future.

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Self care is very trendy right now and an important practice to have - especially during hard times! For your self care-loving friend, give them a care package of a bubble bar, DIY room mist spray, and a DIY real silk pillowcase. Silk pillowcases do wonders for your skin health but can cost a pretty penny, so learn how to make your own by checking out our full blog post here! And to make the DIY room mist spray, follow these instructions:


Mix 3 oz of water with 1 oz of witch hazel into the misting bottle. Add 10 drops of essential oils. Shake it up. Label “Room Spray” with a china marker. And you’re all done! Just make sure to shake the bottle each time before use.

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Hopefully these DIY gifts are meaningful during an otherwise extraordinary holiday season, and check out the full video below to watch us make them with you!



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