Happy New Year! We want to start your organization goals off right by DIYing a giant minimal calendar. We were inspired by the extremely popular Stendig Calendar and made some adjustments to suit our taste. We created this calendar out of some poster board and some custom stamps. We used the Silhouette stamp kit but you can easily create your own with some simple craft foam and wooden block. All the templates you need and instructions are below!

Cost: $15 – $40 (dependent on which supplies you need)

Difficulty:  ✂





So the easiest way we found to make the giant numbers was to create a custom stamp. We have a silhouette machine which can cut things out on stamp paper but if you don’t have an electronic cutter machine, you can easily cut them out with an exacto knife. We have a template on our blog linked below which includes all the numbers and letters you’ll need. The rubber stamp material and stamp blocks we used will also be linked below. The best part about this sytem is you can easily swap between stamps and you can see through the blocks which makes stamping in the right spot super easy. If you don’t want to buy those materials, another option is to use basic craft foam. We’re using this method to create a giant line which we can write the months on, fill in the blank style. Cut out whatever shape you want to stamp several times to make it thick. Glue it on to a block of wood and your custom stamp is complete


Okay so on to the calendar pages. We picked up 12 standard sheets of Bristol board which were less than a dollar each. So now it’s time to do some math. Since we need to duplicate this process 12 times, we are drawing a template onto some craft paper around the Bristol board to make our lives easier. We marked lines for a border, where our straight line stamp would go, and where each number would go. The exact numbers for all this can be found in the blog post below. You should end up with a grid on your Bristol board. Oh and make sure to do this with a pencil so you can easily erase it after. (or you could ignore all of that and go for the free hand method, but that’s way too wild for us) With your custom made stamps, begin stamping the numbers onto the corners of your drawn out grid. We found it easiest to place the 1 wherever it appeared on the calendar instead of doing all the numbers directly in order to avoid switching out our stamps so often. Next we stamped out our straight line which we will fill in later. We also made tiny letter stamps for the days of the week which we centered above our numbers. Once everything is dry we erased our pencil lines. Lastly fill in the name of the month and your page is complete.


With our template drawn out on the craft paper, it’s super easy to place the next sheet on top and draw on a new grid by placing the ruler on the dashes already marked out. Repeat the stamping process on the rest of your months. We recommend pulling up a calendar for the year you’re making to make sure you have all your dates in the right spots.


For the final touch we cut out a strip of black Bristol board to serve as the faux tear away strip at the top of the calendar. We’re going to be hanging it with giant binder clips so we estimated how much black we would need. This was about 4 inches tall and the width of your paper. Fold it in half and sandwich all your months in between. Add the clips on each end and hang your calendar from two nails (or removable sticky hooks for a temporary option!)

Check out the video tutorial for more information!:

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